Home Oxford University Debating Skills

Year 10 and 11 were fortunate to have 4 undergraduate students from University of Oxford visit the College. They ran information sessions with tips on how to apply to Oxford and guidance on how to succeed in the university’s interview process. Our students then took part in a debating workshop preparing for the motion “This house believes that social media corrupts human interaction” with a final, focussed debate which produced plenty of great points of interest and discussion amongst our students.

December 19, 2018
Oxford University Debating . at MCE skills

Oxford University Debating Skills

December 17, 2018
Secondary & Year 6 Winter Concert 18/19

Secondary & Year 6 Winter Concert

December 16, 2018

Year 3, 4 & 5 Winter Concert 18/19

December 11, 2018
IDP Session 18/19

IDP Session 18/19

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