We believe that education is about enrichment, not only of the individual but of the communities within which those individuals live and therefore of society in general. Malvern College Egypt aims to provide an education of the highest possible standard for each of its pupils in all key areas of development. The most important of these are the academic, cultural, moral and co-curricular. We have high expectations of our pupils in terms of their effort, achievements and behaviour and we aim to provide them with the means by which they can develop to the best of their abilities their knowledge, skills and personality. By so doing we seek to develop confident, well-rounded individuals who can be successful in their own lives and of service to others.
Academic Achievement
We want our pupils to gain the best results of which they are capable.
We seek to achieve this through:
• top quality teaching
• excellent facilities
• inculcating in each pupil a love of learning, of exploring ideas and of discovering the world about them
• active pupil participation in classes with an emphasis on understanding and critical thinking
Character Development
We want each pupil to develop a sense of self-worth, knowing the difference between right and wrong and doing the right thing when it comes to making choices. We want them to respect the differences in others and in turn be respected by those around them, by showing politeness, kindness and concern for others. These values should permeate every aspect of the school focusing especially on:
• mutual respect between teachers and pupils
• fair and consistent implementation of discipline
Cultural Achievement
We want to nurture each pupil’s creative talents through participation in:
• art
• drama
• music
• dance
• visits to galleries, museums, shows, talks etc.
Co-curricular Activity
We expect all pupils to develop their bodies as well as their minds and characters. This is to be done through:
• physical education
• games
• clubs
• outward bound activities
It is the quality of the people and the human relationships between them that make Malvern special. Whether it is the way in which a department works, a class works or teachers and tutors work with individual pupils, our view of education is based on mutual respect, trust, pastoral care and a positive outlook.
We aim to focus pupils’ attention on developing the following“Malvern Qualities”:

Clearly some of these are more appropriate at different levels of the school than others. Ultimately, Malvern is committed to producing happy, well-rounded children who will be able to move onto the next stage in their school life sure of their own abilities and with confidence.