Home News



Dear Parents, There will be new family orientation days on Wednesday 31 August and Thursday 1 September from 8:30am to 15:30. It is not meant to be a full day, staff will not be able to look after children, it is simply an opportunity for you to know where and to who your children will be going when they begin school on the first day of term. Please come at any time during the day. Please come to the main school entrance where a member of our admissions/administration team will meet you. They will give you a map and show you in the direction of your child’s classroom. The purpose of the orientation days is to allow you to choose a time that suits you to come to the school building, meet your children’s teachers, meet other parents, see their classrooms, as well as allowing you the opportunity to pick up your uniform orders/purchase school uniform on this day.u

August 29, 2016
Children And Parents Orientation Days

Children And Parents Orientation Days

August 1, 2016
MCE Inspection and School Accreditation

MCE Inspection and School Accreditation

June 26, 2016
MCE is opening a Pre-Nursery Class

MCE is opening a Pre-Nursery Class

May 2, 2016
Foundation Ceremony of MCHK

Foundation Ceremony of MCHK

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