On the Thursday before Remembrance Day the whole college assembled down at the piazza for a Remembrance Service in order to commemorate the event as a community of many nationalities. The service was led by the prefects and included many students from other years, with everyone on stage that day speaking incredibly well. The service was informative, by providing us with

facts and figures, but also included poems and finally the two-minute silence followed by the traditional morning call of the British Army, the Reveille. Wreathes were laid by Mr. Birch and Mr. Gillespie-Payne who have served their country in the British Army. Every single second of the service was dedicated to the casualties of wars, remembering their dedication for their country.

On the following Sunday, Year 5, went to the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery in Heliopolis: to see the gravestones and attend a service of Remembrance which they had been studying in History. The Head Boy and I also had the privilege of going there with Mr. Grice to first show groups of Year 5 but secondly, that we may see the sacrifice made by so many for ourselves. It was a moving experience as we walked around and identified the names on the gravestones, met students from other British schools, and having the honour to place the College’s wreath on the great Cenotaph. It was an absolutely beautiful occasion; all the Wreaths representing the different countries and schools were gathered on the base of the Cenotaph, and a moment that the Head Boy and I will never forget; representing Malvern College Egypt at the Commonwealth War Graves in Heliopolis.

November 11, 2016
Remembrance Day


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