
Home Primary House Elections 2019/20

In Primary our wonderful Year 6 pupils gave very impressive speeches to their House groups to ask for pupils to vote for them as House Prefects. Each pupil in Key Stage 2 had the difficult decision of choosing just 2 for each House from a large number of enthusiastic and capable candidates. The votes will be counted and announced very soon. Well done to all the Year 6 candidates. You all demonstrated great confidence and energy.

October 3, 2019
Primary House Elections

Primary House Elections 2019/20

October 2, 2019
debate on Vegetarianism

Debate on Vegetarianism 2019

September 25, 2019
Global Study University Fair at MCE 2019

Global Study University Fair at MCE

August 29, 2019
Orientation Day

Orientation Day 2019/20

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