A-level is the common name for the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Certificate (GCE A-level, for short). It is a high school qualification studied in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by pre-university pupils. A-level is the standard assessment tool for applicants to UK universities and is highly respected worldwide. It is equivalent to high school diplomas in certain countries and can be used to apply to universities in most parts of the world – notably all over Europe, North America, and in Australia and New Zealand. At Malvern College Egypt we offer a diverse range of A-level subjects.
The A-level is split into two stages: AS and A2. Our pupils start in the Lower Sixth choosing 3 or 4 AS level subjects and most progress onto A2 level in their Upper Sixth year. To complete an A level, students sit examinations at the end of each of the two academic years they spend in the Sixth Form.
For more information on the A-level subjects offered at Malvern College Egypt and their examination layout, please refer to the Sixth Form Options Booklet.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is run alongside A-levels at MCE as an alternative curriculum. Pupils choose either to take the IBDP or A-levels, not both. The IBDP programme entails studying six academic subjects, with some compulsory elements. All IBDP pupils study maths, English, at least one science and a modern foreign language. Beyond this, there is an element of choice. IBDP pupils must also study several ‘core’ elements of the curriculum unique to the IBDP. These core elements aim to ensure that IBDP pupils enjoy a broad and balanced academic diet during their time in the Sixth Form.
Like A-level, the IBDP is widely respected internationally and a good score in the diploma can afford entry to Higher Education institutions around the world. For more information on the IBDP programme, please refer to the Sixth Form Options Booklet.
We should then have a new page for IGCSEs
GCSE stands for the General Certificate of Secondary Education and is the qualification studied in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by pupils between the ages of 14 and 16. At Malvern College Egypt we offer the international versions of these qualifications over the course of two years: what we refer to as IG1 (pupils normally aged 13 or 14), and IG2 (pupils normally aged 15 or 16).
Pupils study a range of academic subjects with some element of choice. Most subjects are graded 9 to 1 with 9 being the highest score and 1 being the lowest. For more information on our IGCSE courses please refer to our IGCSE Options Booklet.