
Home Events
We were proud to welcome Parents and special guests on Thursday 10th October to join with us in celebrating the investiture of our Student Leadership Teams. Mrs Sally Dibb-Holland, Head of Primary, led the ceremony which included a speech from Mr Richard Moore, Head of Secondary, on the importance of being resilient and learning from mistakes. Head Boy and Head Girl gave speeches and all deputy Head Boy and deputy Head Girl, Prefects and House Captains were presented with the badges and ties. We were also treated to choral singing from Year 6 and the Year 3 & 4 Choir. It was a wonderful part of College tradition.
#MCE #Primary_Investiture #leadership_team #ceremony
October 17, 2019

Primary Investiture 2019

October 13, 2019
Open Morning

Open Morning 2019/20

October 3, 2019
Egyptian Day 2019/20

Egyptian Day 2019/20

October 3, 2019
Primary House Elections

Primary House Elections 2019/20

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