1.0 Overview and purpose:
A school uniform fosters a sense of community, equality, and a sense of belonging. Malvern College Egypt (MCE) requires all students to wear the correct official uniform at all times (this includes on buses and when on a school trip, unless special permission has been given). The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines and expectations regarding uniform and equipment requirements.
2.0 Responsibilities:
2.1 Parents are responsible for purchasing the correct uniform items and supporting the College to ensure all items are worn correctly before coming to school. Additionally, parents are expected to take necessary measures and support the College with any sanctions in order to ensure that students comply with the uniform policy.
2.2 If there are any genuine reasons for missing uniform items or temporary medical situations, parents must communicate this in advance to the class or form tutor via portal/email. The College shall provide guidance regarding the acceptable course of action and establish reasonable timeframes for resolving the matter.
2.3 All uniform items must be clearly labelled. All losses must be promptly reported via portal/email to your child’s class teacher or form tutor. The College will make all reasonable attempts to locate lost items.
2.4 All items brought into the College are done so at the owner’s risk, and MCE assumes no liability for any missing, damaged or stolen items. Primary students have ‘open’ cubbies for storage and lockers are available for Secondary students for the secure storing of personal items.
2.5 During school hours, teachers will ensure the uniform policy is adhered to at all times, and will encourage students to take pride in their appearance.
2.6 Students are responsible for wearing uniform items correctly at all times and complying with staff members’ requests.
2.7 Sanctions will be applied for any students not following the policy as outlined in the behaviour policy. In the event of a serious violation, a student may be suspended until a readmission meeting is held with the student and parent(s) to ensure that the full uniform is worn and the policy is fully understood.
3.0 Uniform requirements by age phase:
All College-branded uniform items are available in the school’s uniform shop. Please see the list of full uniform requirements for your child below.
Pre-Nursery – Year 2 Infant students (click here)
Year 3 – Year 6 Junior students (click here)
Year 7 – Year 11 Secondary students (click here)
Sixth Form students (click here)
4.0 Equipment
4.1 In order to ensure security, safeguarding, and facilitate registration, students are required to carry and visibly display their school ID badges at all times. Repeated failure to bring the ID badge, deface or not wear College ID, will result in sanctions.
4.2 Secondary students (Years 7 – Upper Sixth) must bring the following essential items each day: a diary, calculator, pen, pencil, ruler, and eraser.
5.0 Appearance and correct wear of the school uniform
5.1 Shirts must be worn tucked in with top buttons done up and ties worn at the
appropriate length.
5.2 Skirts must be worn at or below knee length.
5.3 When a student has PE, they must come to school in their PE uniform.
5.4 When it is a house activity students must come to school in their house T-Shirt.
5.5 Uniform items must be maintained in good condition at all times. Any necessary repairs must be carried out professionally. Prompt replacement of uniform items is required whenever necessary.
5.6 Students may wear a plain white undershirt or vest beneath their uniform top, however it may only be visible at the neck line.
5.7 Students may wear a watch (no smart watches in primary) and girls may wear one silver or gold stud in the earlobe of each ear. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings or studs. No other jewellery may be worn unless this is for acceptable religious purposes.
5.8 Hair must always be clean and tidy, worn off the face and styled so as not to invite comment for any reason. This includes no hair extensions or colouring. All students with hair longer than shoulder length are required to have it tied back.
5.9 Boys must be clean shaven unless this is for acceptable religious purposes (in this case facial hair must be well groomed and tidy).
5.10 Make-up is not permitted. This includes nail varnish and nail extensions.
5.11 Girls may wear plain black ankle boots as part of the winter uniform. Training type shoes, high heel, wedges, open toed sandals, sling backs or any type of fashion shoe are not permitted.
5.12 The College uniform includes provision for cold weather, which includes College jumpers and College blue coats. Students are not permitted to wear non-uniform coats and jumpers, except those in the Sixth Form, who are permitted to wear cold weather items that are conservatively-styled and in line with professional office attire.
If you have any questions regarding uniform requirements, please contact your child’s class or form tutor, or our personnel in our uniform shop.