Home Year 1L Assembly 18/19

In 1L’s assembly, the children performed a scene based on a Polish ballet ‘Coppelia’. The performance showed the toys in Dr. Coppelia’s workshop. Year 1 have been learning about kindness, one of the Malvern College qualities. This was demonstrated through song and dance. Congratulations to 1L for an amazing, vibrant, energetic dance interpretation. It was a fantastic way to incorporate music and movement in order to develop self-confidence. Wow!

May 22, 2019
Year 1L Assembly 18/19

Year 1L Assembly 18/19

May 20, 2019
MCE Tours

Prospective Parents Tour

May 19, 2019
Lewis Charity Dress Up Day

Lewis Charity Dress Up Day 18/19

May 11, 2019
British Ambassador to Egypt Visits MCE

British Ambassador to Egypt Visits MCE

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