Home Sanger Charity Visit

On Monday 20th May, a group of Primary and Secondary pupils visited Sanger’s Charity called APE (The Association for the Protection of the Environment). Our pupils took part in various workshops where they saw first-hand the work that goes into recycling and creating beautiful products such as bedspreads, bags, coasters, cards, and even necklaces! We also visited the on-site school and saw the new playground which was built with the funds raised and donated by MCE last year. It was lovely to spend some time with the children and witness the smiles of joy on their faces upon receiving some of our gifts for their new playground. Thank you to all staff at APE who welcome us last week and we look forward to more visits in the future! For more information, visit APE’s website http://ape.org.eg/ 

May 30, 2019
Sanger Charity Visit

Sanger Charity Visit

May 30, 2019
Ramadan Delivery

Ramadan Donation 18/19

May 27, 2019

Int. Day Highlights

May 27, 2019
Ramadan boxes


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