Home Ramadan Delivery 18/19

Today our staff and students helped to load up the bus that delivered all of your generous food donations. Miss Pante and Miss Belcher took the donations to the Awlady Orphanage in Maadi, where they were well received by the 175 boys that live there. Thank you to all those who donated items, they were very well received!

Our Primary House Captains and individual Heads of House were involved in assessing the amounts that were donated from each House. The House with the largest amount of donations is Foster. Well done to them, but a huge thank you to all families who donated items. We are currently organising the delivery of your generous donations and more information will be posted soon about this! 

June 5, 2019
Ramadan Delivery

Ramadan Delivery 18/19

June 3, 2019

Eid al-Fitr Holiday

May 30, 2019
Sanger Charity Visit

Sanger Charity Visit

May 30, 2019
Ramadan Delivery

Ramadan Donation 18/19

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